Based on 25 years of research into science, psychology and philosophy this project will be a summary and holistic view of where human development stands in the early 21st century. Humanity has developed incredibly in terms of industry and science, but have we evolved emotionally to the same extent? It has been assumed for a long time that thought drives our behavior, but is that so? Most scientific endeavours have mostly focussed on the rational deconstruction of the world around us leaving one very important and influential element out of the equation: an observer. The reductionist approach to understand reality has worked for a long time, there is great understanding of the world and the cosmos. On the other hand, reductionism has lead to many areas of expertise that only recently have started to talk to each other because the understanding of many separate parts does not necessarily mean understanding of the whole.

premise of the book
This project aims to reintegrate the fundamentals of human knowledge, insight and the latest scientific findings from an introspective view – taking the reader on a journey from what we actually experience, to what science and philosophy can conclude we are. Are we what we think we are? One: from perception to consciousness will feature new models of intelligence, personality development and consciousness – all based on scientific evidence and proven introspective methods. It will explore what we have become and what we ultimately are – but most importantly, what we can potentially be.
work in progress
This book is work in progress and can be downloaded in its current unfinished form. This is to see what the book will be about, although currently it is still too personal (mainly the introduction). The idea is to make it a journey for the reader without too much interference of my own bias.

Addressing both the rational and visual interpretative capacities of our cognition, the book will be equal part (info) graphics, photography and textual narrative. Infographics have the capacity to include many layers and dimensions of information in a structural way, allowing for more compact and insightful means of communication than text alone. Considering the complexity of these graphics, they need to be explained based on empirical evidence through written language. Models and infographics can show coherence, causality and interdependence in a way that involves the reader. These new models are build on existing scientific models, but developed to include more perspectives and layers of information based on the latest research and insights.
This way, different fields of knowledge can come together in a way previously unseen – because these fields have barely overlapped before and/or they haven’t been visualised in a holistic way yet.
(the design is work in progress and subject to change).
Currently I am looking for ways to get this project realized, by means of subsidy, sponsorships and cooperations.
VR 360 video prototype
→ View 360 VR prototype on Youtube
Here you can download the book to see the development. First I want to publish it as a eBook / PDF, then as a highly quality full color hard cover printed book.

Based on 25 years of research into science, psychology and philosophy this project will be a summary and holistic view of where human development stands in the early 21st century. Humanity has developed incredibly in terms of industry and science, but have we evolved emotionally to the same extent? It has been assumed for a long time that thought drives our behavior, but is that so? Most scientific endeavours have mostly focussed on the rational deconstruction of the world around us leaving one very important and influential element out of the equation: an observer. The reductionist approach to understand reality has worked for a long time, there is great understanding of the world and the cosmos. On the other hand, reductionism has lead to many areas of expertise that only recently have started to talk to each other because the understanding of many separate parts does not necessarily mean understanding of the whole.

premise of the book
This project aims to reintegrate the fundamentals of human knowledge, insight and the latest scientific findings from an introspective view – taking the reader on a journey from what we actually experience, to what science and philosophy can conclude we are. Are we what we think we are? One: from perception to consciousness will feature new models of intelligence, personality development and consciousness – all based on scientific evidence and proven introspective methods.
work in progress
This book is work in progress and can be downloaded in its current unfinished form.

Addressing both the rational and visual interpretative capacities of our cognition, the book will be equal part (info) graphics, photography and textual narrative. Infographics have the capacity to include many layers and dimensions of information in a structural way, allowing for more compact and insightful means of communication than text alone. Considering the complexity of these graphics, they need to be explained based on empirical evidence through written language.
Models and infographics can show coherence, causality and interdependence in a way that involves the reader. These new models are build on existing scientific models, but developed to include more perspectives and layers of information based on the latest research and insights.
This way, different fields of knowledge can come together in a way previously unseen – because these fields have barely overlapped before and/or they haven’t been visualised in a holistic way yet.
(the design is work in progress and subject to change)
Currently I am looking for ways to get this project realized, by means of subsidy, sponsorships and cooperations.

5K VR video version
→ View full 360 VR prototype on Youtube
360 degree panorama
Click/Touch and drag to look around, or use the arrow keys.