For Bromet & Dochters / Dutch broadcaster NTR a leader for a program about ‘Aanpakkers’ (Problemsolvers, for lack of a literal translation). The leader reflects the current climate of people complaining and pointing to others. The program itself shows people who don’t complain but act to help people or solve problems. The leader focuses on content and I used a dynamic pattern to reflect the determination of the ‘aanpakkers’. Animated by Rogier Schalken.

For Bromet & Dochters / Dutch broadcaster NTR a leader for a program about ‘Aanpakkers’ (Problemsolvers, for lack of a literal translation). The leader reflects the current climate of people complaining and pointing to others. The program itself shows people who don’t complain but act to help people or solve problems. The leader focuses on content and I used a dynamic pattern to reflect the determination of the ‘aanpakkers’. Animated by Rogier Schalken.