Hoi Holland (ijsfontein) is an app to teach students abroad basic Dutch and give an impression of Dutch culture. It has Dutch voice-overs and a variation of minigames with different types of interaction. It was made in Unity and works with the motion sensor in your mobile device to give a 3D effect. For Apple and Android devices. Client: Nuffic. Target audience: Students all over the world who are interested in coming to Holland / the Netherlands, available worldwide. The trailer was made by IJsfontein.

Hoi Holland (ijsfontein) is an app to teach students abroad basic Dutch and give an impression of Dutch culture. It has Dutch voice-overs and a variation of minigames with different types of interaction. It was made in Unity and works with the motion sensor in your mobile device to give a 3D effect. For Apple and Android devices. Client: Nuffic. Target audience: Students all over the world who are interested in coming to Holland / the Netherlands, available worldwide. The trailer was made by IJsfontein.