When playing several types of intelligence ‘fire together and wire together’ in the brain, children do this naturally out of curiosity, exploration and inspiration by others (hero narratives). This can be any field of human development. Motor, visual, auditive, rational and social intelligence are developed by play in the early stages of development.
This develops pattern recognition that can be applied by skill.
Playing and thus learning leads to neurogenesis and neuroplasticity.
The mind becomes more flexible and more complex.
Children’s minds are highly pliable but this can continue into later age; as in learning new information and new skills. This promotes mental and physical health; especially the interconnectivity between the two. Immersive learning activity, achievement, development with the right challenge induce mental states that are highly rewarding and mentally integrative; this is because the reward system promotes this as natural development (when not in fight/flight modus or prejudiced but in curiosity mode). Learning this way is fundamental in nature.
Learning how to walk and read are levels of integration connecting motor, emotional, spatial and rational intelligence to learn how to move around and communicate. All activity factually combines several types of development that can be trained relatively isolated but also together.
This is not about the blocks or the subjects; this is merely and example of the fundamentals of learning. Intrinsic motivation by interest is developed by mirroring others or others’ creativity by which one’s own pattern recognition and skill develops.
This makes learning a fundamental social activity; by playing with others and/or being inspired by others — or the work from others— we develop. This makes learning a fundamentally social activity.
Creativity developes when people increase the interconnectivity across the several types of intelligence in the form of divergent thinking; this leads to increasing amounts of meta-pattern recognition by observation, interpretation and application of the several types of intelligence and skill.
This does not mean one is aware of this proces; but training skills and creativity makes one more sensitive to the related forms of perception (i.e.; photographers observe better visually, musicians understand patterns in sound better, cooks have better sense of taste, sports make motor intelligence more complex and is also a form of play, etc.).
With people that can make a job out of creativity the playful attitude tends not to stop; it is an important part of the proces.
Play is a natural form of development and with the increase of intelligence complexity and skills one develops a sense of achievement and possibly meaning in personal interests.
By playing together in any form children can learn healthy competition and cooperation. This is also true for adults (sport are a form of play for example).
Therefor this is a little play that combines some childhood interests; which is highly personal — how this leads to creative inspiration and then futher development in my own way. The video is thus about this proces; which I need to get motivation and creativity flowing. I make media and I also need to understand media; as landscape, as social influence, as personal development and as communication of this whole proces.
It is the processing of (social) information via many types of pattern recognition in creative, playful form.
What is real?
Our reality is a media reality; highly personalized, tribalized and targeted by commercial algorithm, highly focussed on self promotion and succes, status determined by amount of followers — highly emotionally reactive. People teach each other behavior more than anything; and every human endeavour is behavior. Now by media people teach each other many kinds of behavior and responses and how does this influence us as a species? What human drives prevail and what behavior follows?
How conscious is this proces — this learning by behavior?
Is important to understand?
Big blocks?
I’ve had hundreds if not thousands of euros worth of Lego I mostly gave away to family and friends and I am happy for it; mostly I got it from my father and I am happy to pass it on.
This is a brandless little thing to do during Corona to keep me busy, it got out of hand. I like that only the most basic blocks where available to make things and try a bit of stop motion with it.

When playing several types of intelligence ‘fire together and wire together’ in the brain, children do this naturally out of curiosity, exploration and inspiration by others (hero narratives). This can be any field of human development. Motor, visual, auditive, rational and social intelligence are developed by play in the early stages of development.
This develops pattern recognition that can be applied by skill.
Playing and thus learning leads to neurogenesis and neuroplasticity.
The mind becomes more flexible and more complex.
Children’s minds are highly pliable but this can continue into later age; as in learning new information and new skills. This promotes mental and physical health; especially the interconnectivity between the two. Immersive learning activity, achievement, development with the right challenge induce mental states that are highly rewarding and mentally integrative; this is because the reward system promotes this as natural development (when not in fight/flight modus or prejudiced but in curiosity mode). Learning this way is fundamental in nature.
Learning how to walk and read are levels of integration connecting motor, emotional, spatial and rational intelligence to learn how to move around and communicate. All activity factually combines several types of development that can be trained relatively isolated but also together.
This is not about the blocks or the subjects; this is merely and example of the fundamentals of learning. Intrinsic motivation by interest is developed by mirroring others or others’ creativity by which one’s own pattern recognition and skill develops.
This makes learning a fundamental social activity; by playing with others and/or being inspired by others — or the work from others— we develop. This makes learning a fundamentally social activity.
Creativity developes when people increase the interconnectivity across the several types of intelligence in the form of divergent thinking; this leads to increasing amounts of meta-pattern recognition by observation, interpretation and application of the several types of intelligence and skill. This does not mean one is aware of this proces; but training skills and creativity makes one more sensitive to the related forms of perception (i.e.; photographers observe better visually, musicians understand patterns in sound better, cooks have better sense of taste, sports make motor intelligence more complex and is also a form of play, etc.). With people that can make a job out of creativity the playful attitude tends not to stop; it is an important part of the proces.
Play is a natural form of development and with the increase of intelligence complexity and skills one develops a sense of achievement and possibly meaning in personal interests. By playing together in any form children can learn healthy competition and cooperation. This is also true for adults (sport are a form of play for example).
Therefor this is a little play that combines some childhood interests; which is highly personal — how this leads to creative inspiration and then futher development in my own way. The video is thus about this proces; which I need to get motivation and creativity flowing. I make media and I also need to understand media; as landscape, as social influence, as personal development and as communication of this whole proces. It is the processing of (social) information via many types of pattern recognition in creative, playful form.
What is real?
Our reality is a media reality; highly personalized, tribalized and targeted by commercial algorithm, highly focussed on self promotion and succes, status determined by amount of followers — highly emotionally reactive. People teach each other behavior more than anything; and every human endeavour is behavior. Now by media people teach each other many kinds of behavior and responses and how does this influence us as a species? What human drives prevail and what behavior follows?
How conscious is this proces — this learning by behavior?
Is important to understand?
Big blocks?
I’ve had hundreds if not thousands of euros worth of Lego I mostly gave away to family and friends and I am happy for it; mostly I got it from my father and I am happy to pass it on.
This is a brandless little thing to do during Corona to keep me busy, it got out of hand. I like that only the most basic blocks where available to make things and try a bit of stop motion with it.