This portfolio website was designed in 2006. I needed to update my previous Flash portfolio to make it responsive, a feature then new to Flash. I also wanted to add video backgrounds and a database, the latter was made by Brothersinart. Now Flash is gone, I had to design a portfolio that works well on all devices (the current one). From a metaphorical approach to a portfolio (2001) to one that is (design wise) as transparant/functional as I can make it (2018), making content and device adaptability most important whilst keeping the video elements.

This portfolio website was designed in 2006. I needed to update my previous Flash portfolio to make it responsive, a feature then new to Flash. I also wanted to add video backgrounds and a database, the latter was made by Brothersinart. Now Flash is gone, I had to design a portfolio that works well on all devices (the current one). From a metaphorical approach to a portfolio (2001) to one that is (design wise) as transparant/functional as I can make it (2018), making content and device adaptability most important whilst keeping the video elements.