For the documentary Sister, soldier, I designed the leader and titles, the poster and press kit. Directed by Dikla Zeidler, the movie follows her young sister’s career path in the Israeli army. A revealing film, the first close/personal insight into the workings of the army. The film will be submitted to filmfestivals and aired by Dutch Broadcaster EO on the 8th of may on Dutch TV. Premiere was in Tuschinski Theatre Amsterdam. Produced & distributed by Blazhoffksi / Warner Bros.

For the documentary Sister, soldier, I designed the leader and titles, the poster and press kit. Directed by Dikla Zeidler, the movie follows her young sister’s career path in the Israeli army. A revealing film, the first close/personal insight into the workings of the army. The film will be submitted to filmfestivals and aired by Dutch Broadcaster EO on the 8th of may on Dutch TV. Premiere was in Tuschinski Theatre Amsterdam. Produced & distributed by Blazhoffksi / Warner Bros.