For Start People we developed the new national website, improving flow, usability and conversion rate. From early development I have been involved in concept, site structure and visual style. The website is mobile/tablet friendly. With Peter Werkman (Sparks Interactive), Wendy Zwaaf (USG People) and Jurre van Dorp (Droomlab). Effect: 250% increase in conversion (vacancy applications), increase in client quotation requests (120%), much lower homepage bounce rate.

For Start People we developed the new national website, improving flow, usability and conversion rate. From early development I have been involved in concept, site structure and visual style. The website is mobile/tablet friendly. With Peter Werkman (Sparks Interactive), Wendy Zwaaf (USG People) and Jurre van Dorp (Droomlab). Effect: 250% increase in conversion (vacancy applications), increase in client quotation requests (120%), much lower homepage bounce rate.