Online tv station prototype with fullscreen flash video (for NCRV). Currently implementing ps3 and Wii compatibility. | | |
Art direction and interaction design of the Dutch public tv channel portals.
Vodkaherb Pitch prototype of the online Vodkaherb experience (for Tribal DDB). Interaction design of the new FunX website (largest Dutch urban radio network). Web and flash design of the website for a new mobile provider (for !Achtung).
HSL Zuid Interaction design of HSL Zuid's corporate website (with SVDT, which created the identity).
Ned3/Film Web design of the new Ned3 Film website, with streaming content and Dutch film news.
Footlocker Europe Animation showing a new product line-up for
Oosterkade Identity, print and web- site for club restaurant Oosterkade in Utrecht (full site online now). Website and flash video for, which features Dutch movietrailers (full movies soon).
Ideëel+ Identity, print and web- design for a communication and advice agency based in Amsterdam.
Nederland Vier Webdesign and identity of the digital only channels from the public broadcast network. Design of the public broadcast rerun website featuring streaming video. Interaction design and art direction of the redesign (portal site for Dutch public tv). New website of Dutch DJ Ferry Corsten, combining a new graphical style with advanced scripting and usability.
VPRO Web documentary The first VPRO interactive documentary. It's about democracy in The Netherlands.
DesignSwitch About the practical use of design theory with Directiondesign case studies.
Cailin Partners Identity and website design for environmental consultancy agency.
Experience Qatar Interaction and Flash design for the new website of the country of Qatar.
(Identity by Atrissi Design)
VPRO Tegenlicht De Muur Webspecial and tv design of an episode of VPRO's Tegenlicht.
Dancetherapy A website for the production company of the famous Dutch DJ Ferry Corsten.
VPRO Tegenlicht Carlyle Microsite and tv design of an episode of VPRO's Tegenlicht.
Heineken International Art direction of the new Heineken International website.
Vluchtelingenwerk Flash and video presentation for a special event by Refugee Aid NL. (webversion).
Expose Yourself Presentation of a lecture I gave at the School of the Arts (HKU - Utrecht).
Mobile theme Download a speci-fically designed theme, the metro video
and photos for you mobile.
Design is not art Presentation of a lecture I gave at the School of the Arts (HKU - Utrecht).
VPRO Tegenlicht identity Logo design, identity, leader and styleguide for a tv documentary program. The Tegenlicht website itself was made by VPRO digitaal.
For a complete project overview please visit the portfolio